Valero Endorses DWA’s Pre Apprenticeship Program for Industrial Jobs

Employer Resources, News

J. Greg Gentry, Vice President and General Manager of The Premcor Refining Group, Inc A Valero Company shared his experience of GTEC’s pre apprenticeship program to help new hires get an industrial job with no experience.

He stated, “Valero has been impressed with Golden Triangle Empowerment Center’s training program, both in basic life skills as well as job skills development. Valero’s major projects director has worked closely with GTEC and has encouraged Valero’s contracting partners to seek graduates of GTEC’s training program because GTEC has a proven track record of supplying motivated individuals who are appropriately trained and ready to enter the workforce. Additionally, Valero has provided financial support to GTEC to assist in the continuance of training Port Arthur residents for opportunities in our industry.

GTEC has positively impacted the underemployed, disengaged workforce in the local area and its graduates are well prepared and have shown that after being hired, they have a better retention rate on the job than other similarly situated employees in the workforce.

Valero is proud to support the training efforts of the Golden Triangle Empowerment Center and is pleased to see its contracting partners utilizing GTEC’s successful trainees for work being done in the Valero Port Arthur Refinery.”

If you are an Employer and would like to see if our pre apprenticeship program can be tailored for your needs, please contact us at 1-409-982-0522 or

If you know someone who could benefit from this free pre apprenticeship training for a industry job apprenticeship, please tell them to apply at

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